#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2015 » Fevereiro » 10 » #Guggenheim to Host 2015 Young Collectors Party
#Guggenheim to Host 2015 Young Collectors Party
A Benefit to Support the Acquisition of Contemporary Works for the Museum’s Collection with Music by DJ Afrika BambaataaThe Guggenheim Museum will host the 2015 Guggenheim Young Collectors Party on Thursday, March 19 to benefit the Young Collectors Council (YCC). An intimate dinner with YCC co-chairs and the host committee will be held in the Wright restaurant at 7 pm, and will be followed by a celebration with dessert and drinks in the museum’s rotunda at 9 pm. Funds raised from the evening will benefit the Young Collectors Council Art Fund to support the acquisition of works by emerging artists for the museum’s contemporary collection. Major support of the 2015 Young Collectors Party is provided by David Yurman.

Guests will have an opportunity to view current exhibitions On Kawara—Silence and Monir Shahroudy Farmanfarmaian: Infinite Possibility. Mirror Works and Drawings 1974-2014. DJ Afrika Bambaataa will play music for dancing throughout the night. A pioneer of late 1970s and early 1980s hip-hop in the Bronx, Afrika Bambaataa gained popularity with his impressive turntable techniques and original combination of hip-hop and techno-pop beats, paving the way for the style of hip-hop and rap today.

Chairs of the 2015 Young Collectors Party are Sarah Arison, Nell Diamond, and Alexandra Economou, with honorary co-chairs Evan and Ku-Ling Yurman. Young Collectors Council co-chairs include Noreen K. Ahmad, Astrid T. Hill, Anne Huntington, and Dan Tanzilli. Guests include artists whose work is represented in the Guggenheim Collection, such as Kevin Beasley, Gerard & Kelly, Agnieszka Kurant, Ken Okiishi, and Adam Pendleton, as well as members of the host committee, including Evangelo Bousis, Kyle Hotchkiss Carone, Alexandra Chemla, Selby Drummond, Prabal Gurung, Sarah Hoover, Bee Shaffer, Cameron Silver, and Ines Toledano.

Guggenheim Museum #BFA NYC

Categoria: Cultura & Arte | Visualizações: 542 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: BFA NYC, DJ Afrika Bambaataa, Guggenheim Museum, Contemporary Works, Support the Acquisition, Music, benefit, Museum’s Collection | Ranking: 0.0/0
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