#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2011 » Agosto » 8 » Goldesign fine Brazilian jewellery at Couture Collection 2011
Goldesign fine Brazilian jewellery at Couture Collection 2011
Inspirando-se na beleza misteriosa dos jardins clássicos
onde as mais diversas formas revelam e inspiram o uso de cores e flores, a
designer de joias Ana Albuquerque criou para a Goldesign – fine Brazilian
jewellery a Couture Collection 2011.

A coleção é marcada pelo luxo refletido na composição
clássica de brincos, cocktail rings, colares e braceletes em ouro. Joias que
revelam a beleza das pedras como ágata, ágata negra, pérolas, safiras, rubis,
turquesas, savoritas, tanzanitas, topázios, diamantes, esmeraldas e crisoprásios
em um conceito luxuoso de criações delicadas e ao mesmo tempo exuberantes, que
revelam belas formas da natureza.

A Goldesign é uma indústria genuinamente brasileira, que
alia técnicas clássicas à tecnologia atual de fabricação de joias.

Taking as inspiration the mysterious beauty of classical gardens where the most
diverse forms reveal and inspire the use of colors and flowers, created by 
jewelry designer Ana Albuquerque Goldesign - fine  Brazilian jewelery,
Couture Collection 2011.

The collection is marked by the classic luxury reflected in the composition of
earrings, cocktail rings, necklaces and bracelets in gold. Jewelry that reveals
the beauty of gems like agates, black agates, pearls, sapphires, rubies, turquoise,
savorites, tanzanite, topaz, diamonds, emeralds and chrysoprases in a luxury
creation concept, a mix of delicacy and lush, and beautiful forms that reveal nature.

The Goldesign is a genuinely Brazilian industry, which combines classic
craftsmanship techniques with high end technology for
manufacturing its  jewelry. With appreciation for the details, and
an eye for luxury and quality, the industry works mainly with colored
gemstone and diamonds, combined with a luxury toucht,  always using themes
related to fauna and flora, in constant search of aligning poetry and design.


Ana Márcia Albuquerque

55 31 3271 26 36



Press/Image Rovella & Schultz Boutique Press
Categoria: Cultura & Arte | Visualizações: 2037 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: couture, Goldesign, brazilian, fine, jewellery, Collection 2011 | Ranking: 0.0/0
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