#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2013 » Julho » 26 » Global Museum Leaders Colloquium
Global Museum Leaders Colloquium
Thomas P. Campbell, Director and CEO of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, announced the spring 2014 launch of the Global Museum Leaders Colloquium, a two-week pilot program created and hosted by the Metropolitan Museum in New York. Designed to stimulate and broaden international dialogue on museum management and collections care among directors from collecting institutions, it will bring together 12-15 directors, in particular from museums in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. The colloquium will take place April 7-18, 2014.
The series of sessions held during the 12 working days of the colloquium will offer an overview of various aspects of museum operations—from curatorial research, collections management, and conservation to fundraising, education, governance, and digital communications—providing a 360-degree view of current museum practices, using the Metropolitan Museum’s experts and experience as a springboard for discussion. Site visits to cultural institutions in New York and Washington, D.C., will complement the program.
At a time when globalization is rapidly reshaping museum audiences as well as programming mandates, the colloquium has been created to promote strong, well-informed, culturally sensitive museum leadership. A key aim of the program will be enhanced international collaboration for all of the participating institutions and their leaders.
Participation in the Global Museum Leaders Colloquium is by invitation. Most participants will be museum directors, although in some cases the program will accept deputy directors or chief curators who have oversight responsibility for their institutions, as well as public officials with jurisdiction over museums. 
The 2014 participants of the program will be announced by November of this year.

Met Museum to Inaugurate Global Museum Leaders Colloquium in Spring 2014
by The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Categoria: Global News | Visualizações: 686 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: Inaugurate, art, Leaders, luxury, Global Museum, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Spring 2014, Colloquium, Metropolitan Museum, Museum | Ranking: 0.0/0
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