#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2015 » Fevereiro » 26 » GLOBAL ART FORUM 2015 by @artdubai
GLOBAL ART FORUM 2015 by @artdubai
Alt text Cécile B. Evans, What A Feeling, 2014, Courtesy of the artist


The ninth edition of the Global Art Forum takes on the theme of technologies and their impact on the world of art and culture. Titled Download Update?, the Forum is co-directed by Turi Munthe and Sultan Sooud Al Qassemi, with Shumon Basar as Director-at-Large.

Beginning for the first time in Kuwait, March 14-15 (at Dar al-Athar al-Islamiyyah), before continuing at Art Dubai, March 18-20, the Global Art Forum’s line-up of speakers ranges from those at the forefront of new developments in technology–including M3/Relativity design director Christopher Bevans, Google Cultural Project director Amit Sood and digital education innovator Ayesha Khanna–to artists, writers and curators engaging with technologies in particularly innovative ways, including Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Amar Bakshi, James Bridle, Manal Al Dowayan, Cécile B. Evans, Omar Kholeif, Dan O'Hara, The Otolith Group and Troy Conrad Therrien.

The Global Art Forum is presented by the Dubai Culture and Arts Authority and supported by Dubai Design District (d3).

In Kuwait, the Forum is supported by Tamdeen Group and held in association with Sultan Gallery and Nuqat.



Forum Fellows, Art Dubai’s fellowship programme, returns this year with a focus on writing and is led by writer and curator Tirdad Zolghadr.

This intensive programme of discussions and workshops enables exceptional writers from the Middle East to hone their writing skills and learn from each other’s experiences, while engaging with the editors, critics, curators and museum directors that attend the fair.

Fellows selected for the 2015 programme are: Rahel Aima (Dubai), Liane Al Ghusain (Kuwait), Mirene Arsanios (Beirut), Kareem Estefan (New York), Yara Saqfalhait (Ramallah) and Stefan Tarnowski (Beirut/London).

Julius Baer, a lead sponsor of Art Dubai, is supporting the Forum Fellows programme for the first time in 2015.


Categoria: Cultura & Arte | Visualizações: 927 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: Digitising Archives, Art Dubai, luxury, Art Dubai Radio, ART DUBAI FAIR LLC, Global Art Forum, museu, Forum Fellows, 89plus Dubai, Ásia | Ranking: 0.0/0
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