#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2014 » Abril » 11 » Galeries Lafayette Toulouse celebrate the work of Bertrand Lamarche
Galeries Lafayette Toulouse celebrate the work of Bertrand Lamarche

From 16 April to 10 May , Galeries Lafayette Toulouse welcome the showing of the work of Bertrand Lamarche: The ombelliférique field.Under the theme Fashion Wild , nature is a wild foray in all stores ! On this occasion , Galeries Lafayette Toulouse invite a wider audience to discover the work of artist Bertrand Lamarche, for an exceptional Outside the walls of the museum of the Stockyards .

In 2005 , The ombelliférique field is an animated film that plunges the viewer into a subjective vision. His eye is caught by a vast imaginary wild garden , an exploration area planted cradles Caucasus , a variety of Umbelliferae .
Bertrand Lamarche

The film will be released on the 6th floor of the store, at the usual hours, in a black box specially designed , with access to the panoramic terrace, transformed for the occasion into experimental jungle.

Patrons of the exhibition " Pleiades - 30 years Frac " Galeries Lafayette and store Toulouse renew their support Abattoirs Frac - Midi -Pyrénées , accompanying the " Thursdays Abattoirs " cultural laboratory and real living museum . This support is in the active process of corporate philanthropy for contemporary creation.


by #Groupe Galeries Lafayette

Categoria: #Release | Visualizações: 629 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: GALERIES LAFAYETTE, Toulouse, work, Bertrand Lamarche, The ombelliférique field, From 16 April to 10 May, showing, Welcome | Ranking: 0.0/0
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