#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2014 » Novembro » 18 » Forever Pininfarina Cambiano
Forever Pininfarina Cambiano

Yesterday in Paris the prestigious magazine “Le Stylographe” assigned to Forever Pininfarina Cambiano one of the awards “Stylo de l’année”, addressed to the best 2014 best writing instruments. It is the “Trophée du design et de l’attrait technologique”, the award for the best product in terms of design and innovation.

Forever Pininfarina Cambiano is the first result of the collaboration between Pininfarina and Napkin.
It is a revolutionary instrument characterized by a writing tip obtained by the fusion of different metals in an alloy called Ethergraf that allows to write limitless with no ink and no refill. Completely hand made in Italy from master craftsmen, has a precise stroke like a pencil but it cannot be erased like the one traced by a pen. Taking inspiration from the Cambiano concept car, the Pininfarina team created elegant and essential lines that, thanks to the combination of innovative and classical material, as the aluminum and the wood, confer a unique character to the object.

Forever Pininfarina Cambiano 2014 best writing instrument for design and innovation
When design meets innovation great project come to life – affirms Paolo Pininfarina, Chairman of the Group. - The collaboration with Napkin generated an extraordinary project able to revolutionize the world of writing. The Stylographe’s award and the strong interest aroused all around the world are the unequivocal proof”.
Forever Pininfarina Cambiano is available in two versions, light color satinized and dark glossy, in box that includes a chestnut case. It is available also a special edition black satinized color on sale only on Pininfarina store - store.pininfarina.com

Categoria: #Release | Visualizações: 682 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: Magazine, Prestigious, “Le Stylographe”, Awards, assigned, forever, “Stylo de l’année”, paris, Pininfarina Cambiano, Yesterday | Ranking: 0.0/0
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