#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2014 » Outubro » 22 » Food for Thought, Food For Life by #Girard-Perregaux
Food for Thought, Food For Life by #Girard-Perregaux
Food for Thought, Food For LifeLast night philanthropists Susan and David Rockefeller, together with Swiss luxury watch manufacturer, Girard-Perregaux and auction house Christie's, presented a special premiere screening of “Food for Thought, Food for Life”, the latest documentary by Susan Rockefeller, at the Rockbund Art Museum in Shanghai. The movie focuses on the development of healthier and sustainable food sources and the future of ecological and agricultural environments, underscoring  the Rockefellers’ advocacy work under their personal motto of ‘Protect What Is Precious’.
A roundtable discussion about “Food, Environment and Culture” followed the screening, and included the Rockfellers, Dai Jianjun, creator of the Dragon Well Manor restaurant and organic food pioineer, and Ma Jun, founder of the Institute of Public & Environmental Affairs, a leading figure in environmental protection in China. The  discussion focused on increasing people’s awareness about sustainable food practices and advocacy for a healthier planet and future.  
Inspiring dialogue and collaboration around sustainable business practices is a shared responsibility. Susan & David Rockefeller, Girard-Perregaux and Christie’s together share the belief that their joint event and subsequent collaborations are important steps toward a more healthy, sustainable future for all. "We should especially respect all living things and the soil and sea that support human life”, said Suan Rockfeller. “It is my life-long purpose to protect our planet, a place which defines the real meaning of wealth. I am very pleased to be partnering with Girard-Perregaux, a company which shares my values around sustainablity and combining creativity and tradition to create a better new world."
In line with the event and to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the brand’s iconic ladies’ collection, The Cat’s Eye, Girard-Perregaux has created a ‘Protect What Is Precious’ special edition timepiece, designed in collaboration with Susan Rockefeller. The timepiece features 73 tsavorites on the white hand-polished mother-of-pearl dial ranging from bright to pastel gdreen, representing the “green ideals and values” that Girard-Perregaux and the Rockefellers jointly share. Designed for women who appreciate the preciousness of time, the beauty of nature and need to protect our planet, this special edition watch is engraved with the motto “Protect What Is Precious” to raise environmental awareness.

Categoria: #Desejos | Visualizações: 670 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: Susan Rockefeller, Girard-Perregaux, Rockbund Art Museum in Shanghai, Food for Life”, documentary, Movie, “Food for Thought | Ranking: 0.0/0
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