#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2015 » Abril » 17 » FLEUR’S FOREWORD by @fleurofengland
FLEUR’S FOREWORD by @fleurofengland

I am overwhelmingly proud of this seasons’ collections. It has been wonderful to turn the sensuality volume up. Inspired by modern glamour and women that love to wear such elegant and delightfully sexy lingerie. These women know that the sexiest thing you can wear is an air of mystery.

My designs are a play on revealing and concealing with bespoke embroidery design and exquisite French laces. Materials are all intricately placed to create four dramatically
sensual and chic collections. My Inspiration this season has come from the sky, with its all
encompassing beauty and ever changing light that so vividly impacts and influences our inner senses. ‘Aurora’ with all its beauty and intensity of colour from the magical northern lights. ‘Champagne’ inspired by the light whilst walking through a snow storm in Paris, and of course the colour of my favourite tipple. ‘After dark’ with its bewitching strength and confidence holds the key to dark romance. ‘Desire’ immerses itself in the beautiful colours of dusk, with its inky shadows and dusting of golden shimmer.

by #Fleur of England
Categoria: #Moda | Visualizações: 729 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: Autumn/Winter, proud, sensual, designs, 2015 collections, Bespoke, Stunning, present, Fleur of England, Exclusive | Ranking: 0.0/0
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