#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2011 » Junho » 22 » Fisher Island Resort seu novo destino
Fisher Island Resort seu novo destino

Fisher Island Resort the secret´s luxury by Miami Beach

The Resort

Accessible only

by auto-ferry, yacht or private helicopter (and only via pre-approved
clearance), Fisher Island features an unparalleled setting of privacy and
exclusivity - only one mile off the coast of South Beach.

Conde Nast Johansen awarded Fisher Island Resort its 2011 Award for Excellence, among "the top five most excellent small hotels for the
Americas, Caribbean, Atlantic & Pacific Regions" (the only hotel in the
Southeast U.S., chosen from a portfolio of 270 selected

 One mile off South Beach's

Recent News 

Andrew Harper recommends
the Resort.


Villas and cottages surround the Vanderbilt Mansion

Business Insider ranks
Fisher Island as one of the
"25 richest neighborhoods in America."

See last month's rave reviews and photos from the editorial team at World Travel List.

The Conroy Martinez Group

Categoria: #Luxo | Visualizações: 908 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: Resort, luxury, hotel, Fisher Island Resort | Ranking: 0.0/0
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