#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2013 » Stembro » 4 » Dr. Bob is back in Fashion's Collective
Dr. Bob is back in Fashion's Collective
His ability to shift and expand the perceptions of our audience have made his talks some of the most favored at FashionForward over the last two years.
Fashion's Collective are honored to have him once again share his insight and knowledge, which he has applied in his work with leading brands worldwide (American Express, Apple, Hearst, Sephora, Toyota and National Geographic, to name a few).
This year, Dr. Bob will be speaking on Big Data, a topic we are covering in a 3-part segment to address the human behavorial intricacies of data, as well as how businesses in our industry can analyze, interpret and act on data as part of their intelligence strategies. 

We hope you join us.
October 24, 2013     Crosby Street Hotel, NYC
Dr. Bob's first book, coming out this September.
Request an Invitation

American Express, Apple, Hearst, Sephora, Toyota and National Geographic
by Fashion's Collective
Categoria: Global News | Visualizações: 644 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: sephora, FashionForward, Toyota, Apple, American Express, Hearst, Dr. Bob, National Geographic, Fashion's Collective | Ranking: 0.0/0
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Relações Públicas Internacionais em Moda e Marketing de Guerrilha


Neto Angel - Relações Públicas I Digital Fashion Specialist 
tel: +55(11) 98459.5896 São Paulo - Capital
Agência Digital de Relações Públicas & Marketing Digitais by Angel News