#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2014 » Stembro » 16 » Double Space for BMW - Precision and Poetry in Motion
Double Space for BMW - Precision and Poetry in Motion

Edward Barber and Jay Osgerby are fascinated by aeronautical, automotive and maritime engineering, and the interplay between movement, performance and scale. Double Space for BMW at the Victoria and Albert Museum encapsulates these passions, and it is the biggest object that Barber & Osgerby has ever created.

Double Space for BMW is designed to challenge and delight the visitor, to give a truly remarkable and memorable experience. Two enormous, reflective silver elements are suspended from the ceiling space, and rotate in a series of choreographed movements. This creates a completely new way to view the classical architecture and beautiful cartoons in the Raphael Gallery, and to become part of the performance yourself through the distorted reflections. The project has been made possible with the enormous skill of a team of experts, and is commissioned by BMW and London Design Festival 2014.

Edward Barber and Jay Osgerby said: “The dramatic scale and complexity of this commission makes it a real challenge and is an amazing opportunity for us to further explore themes of movement and performance. We believe this collaboration with BMW will celebrate the paintings and the architecture by creating an immersive and memorable experience, offering a totally new perspective on the world famous Raphael Gallery.”

Visitor Information:
‘Double Space for BMW - Precision and Poetry in Motion’
is open to the public from 13 September to 24 October 2014
Location: Raphael Gallery, Victoria and Albert Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL
Admission is free

Project Credits:
Designed by Edward Barber & Jay Osgerby
Supported by BMW Group
Manufactured by Millimetre
Engineered by ARUP
Lighting Design by SEAM
Lighting by ETC

Edward Barber, OBE and Jay Osgerby, OBE
Twitter:                  twitter.com/BarberOsgerby

The London Design Festival
Facebook:             facebook.com/LondonDesignFestival
Twitter:                  twitter.com/L_D_F

The Victoria and Albert Museum
Facebook:             facebook.com/victoriaandalbertmuseum
Twitter:                  twitter.com/V_and_A

The BMW Group
Facebook:             facebook.com/BMWGroup
Twitter:                  twitter.com/BMWGroup
YouTube:               youtube.com/BMWGroupview
Google+:                googleplus.bmwgroup.com

Double Space for BMW

by @CamronPR
Categoria: Global News | Visualizações: 746 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: Double Space for BMW, Jay Osgerby, 2014, BMW, Edward Barber, motion, Double Space, London Design Festival, Precision, Poetry | Ranking: 0.0/0
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