#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2015 » Março » 16 » Creation & destruction: backstage with Waplington & McQueen
Creation & destruction: backstage with Waplington & McQueen

This major exhibition presents the result of a unique collaboration between artist Nick Waplington (b. 1965) and the acclaimed fashion designer Alexander McQueen (1969–2010).

Providing a rare behind-the-scenes look into one of fashion’s most innovative and celebrated names, Waplington’s photographs capture the creative journey of McQueen’s final Autumn/Winter collection, Horn of Plenty in 2009. The critically acclaimed collection was an iconoclastic retrospective of McQueen’s career in fashion, reusing silhouettes and fabrics from his earlier collections, and creating a catwalk set out of discarded elements from the sets of his past shows. 

Waplington’s photographs reveal a raw and unpolished side of the fashion world. Candid images of McQueen’s working process are juxtaposed with rigorously produced photographs of recycling plants and landfills to create a powerful commentary on destruction and creative renewal – themes at the heart of the Horn of Plenty collection. 

A must-see exhibition, Waplington’s candid and personal documentation of McQueen’s creative process, captures the spirit and essence of the fashion designer’s work. Raw, bold and thought-provoking, Waplington’s photographs provide a unique insight into one of the most celebrated fashion collections in recent history.
Creation & destruction: backstage with Waplington & McQueen

Categoria: Cultura & Arte | Visualizações: 587 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: Moda, tate, McQueen, Alexander McQueen, backstage, arte, Waplington, Museum, Creation & destruction | Ranking: 0.0/0
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