#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2014 » Junho » 23 » Come Celebrate in the Castello del Nero
Come Celebrate in the Castello del Nero
Three major events will take place at Castello del Nero this month. On 16th June, chefs and food purveyors who are members of the CHIC association will meet at the Castle and in the evening a Dinner Created by Three Chefs will be hosted in La Torre Restaurant. On 28th June, the inaugural Castello del Nero Golf Trophy will take place at Ugolino Golf Cub in Florence, while that evening we will celebrate the Eighth Anniversary of Castello del Nero with an aperitif on the Terrace with live music, followed by a Gala Dinner at La Torre Restaurant. So book your holidays with us, taking advantage of our Summer Breeze. Stay longer and enjoy a wine experience by booking the Antinori Package. At La Torre Restaurant taste the new dishes from our Summer Menu created by our Executive Chef, Giovanni Luca Di Pirro.
Book the Lighter Legs treatment at ESPA at Castello del Nero, ideal for jet-lagged and heavy legs, and specially designed for tired feet: it reduces puffiness, soothes aches and pains and is suitable for all. This offer includes: A purifying Scrub for a deep skin cleanse; An energising massage with ice mitts to stimulate the circulation; A lymphatic drainage Massage to leave your legs lighter; Entrance to the Heat Experiences. 
Take advantage of this month’s promotion and savour the wines of Marchesi Antinori winery at The Bar and Wine Cellar. Vivia, Bruciato, Scabrezza, Villa Antinori Bianco, Villa Antinori Rosso, Bramito are six of the most renowned wines and you will have the opportunity to taste them all by the glass. Join a wine tasting hosted by our Maitre D’ Tiziano Siggillino in our the Wine Cellar. A 20 per cent discount on the sale of Marchesi Antinori wines applies, including wines by the glass.

Strada Spicciano 7
50028 Tavarnelle Val di Pesa - Firenze
Toscana - Chianti - Italia
Telefono: 055806470 email: info@castellodelnero.com

by #DDhrm
Categoria: #Release | Visualizações: 745 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: Golf Trophy, Chianti, Strada Spicciano 7 50028 Tavarnelle, luxo, Ugolino Golf Cub, Italia, Castello del Nero, Firenze Toscana, Florence | Ranking: 0.0/0
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