#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2013 » Junho » 3 » CFW Partners with NTD TV for Han Couture Design
CFW Partners with NTD TV for Han Couture Design
Couture Fashion Week is pleased to host the upcoming 4th edition of New Tang Dynasty TV's Global Han Couture Design Competition. The catwalk event will showcase the stunning finalist designs and be followed by the award ceremony. The event will be held at 2:00 pm on Sunday September 8, 2013 at the New Yorker Hotel in the city's Fashion District. Tickets are available online.

Many contemporary fashion designs incorporate such timeless Chinese elements as dragons, calligraphy, and Buddhas. But what can this rich and ancient culture offer in addition to those exotic elements? Can traditional oriental culture bring a new spirit to modern fashion? These are the questions at the heart of NTD TV's Global Han Couture Design Competition.

Clothing and accessories of Han Couture are inseparable from the semi-divine culture of China. The Buddhist and Daoist belief in maintaining harmony between Heaven and mankind was reflected in every aspect of society including clothing and style. Han Couture reached its peak in the Tang, Song and Ming Dynasties, with Chinese culture absorbing aspects from other  regions and with different countries being highly influenced by Chinese culture. For example, today's Japanese kimono and Korean hanbok still retain features of Tang Dynasty dress.

The Global Han Couture Design Competition features designs inspired by the beauty of ancient Chinese apparel. This year the competition received more than 160 design entries from around 70 Han Couture designers. Prepare to be dazzled by the ancient majesty and grandeur of China at this unique fashion event.

Tickets to the event are available online at: http://www.couturefashionweek.com/hancouture.html

Couture Fashion Week New York to Host Next Edition of NTD TV's Global Han Couture Design Competition and Awards

by Couture Fashion Week

Categoria: #Luxo | Visualizações: 846 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: Competition, Couture Fashion Week, NTD TV's Global Han Couture Design, NEW YORK, NTD TV, Finals, partners, Awards, Han Couture Design, CFW | Ranking: 5.0/1
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