#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2015 » Março » 18 » #CACHETBOUTIQUEHOTEL PARTNERS WITH PRIME FITNESS
In downtown Shanghai, Cachet Boutique Hotel takes personalized service one-step further with a new on-site partnership with local boutique workout studio, Prime Fitness. Now located on the same floor as the third floor lobby, guests can easily schedule a high end and personalized workout with a professional trainer at any point during a Cachet Boutique Hotel stay for an exclusive rate.

The brand new Prime Fitness studio now resides in a separate space off of the third floor lobby allowing guests convenient access to a gym session so keeping healthy is even easier. With separate changing facilities guests can first enter into the privacy of the studio for a quick change and onwards to a healthy workout with a professional coach experienced in offering a holistic approach.

Since its launch in January 2013, Prime has quickly become a leading fitness studio in China and the Cachet Boutique Hotel is the third and newest location set to offer guests a healthy workout experience without the use of machines. The studio’s specialized approach to fitness has already been well received in both Shanghai and Beijing, “The opening of Prime fitness inside of Cachet Boutique Hotel is a welcome addition to the roster of personalized services and benefits we strive to offer each and every guest,” says Hotel General Manager Fergus MacDougall.

All Prime Fitness trainers are long-term fitness enthusiasts. Trainers at the Cachet Boutique Shanghai location of Prime Fitness are experienced and qualified including the 2014 Shanghai Bodybuilding Physique Gold Medallist, 2014 World IPF Powerlifting Silver Medallist and Canadian Record Holder and the 2014 World Traditional Kungfu Silver Medallist.

Whether guests are travelling for business or leisure, Cachet Boutique Hotel has something for everyone interested in fitness from one-on-one training to small group sessions, all conveniently pay-as-you-go but with a member price for hotel guests. For guests that still want to nab a quick and solo workout session, there’s a dedicated fitness center for Cachet guests with top of the line equipment on the fourth floor.

In addition to Prime Fitness, Cachet Boutique Shanghai also offers in house guests perks and benefits in and around the city from exclusive motorcycle sidecar tours to private connections in the city’s best restaurants and entertainment venues.


 Cachet Boutique Hotel now houses Prime Fitness studio, providing guests with one-on-one personal training sessions to meet the busy lifestyle of the urban traveler.

Cachet Boutique Hotel now houses Prime Fitness studio, providing guests with one-on-one personal training sessions to meet the busy lifestyle of the urban traveler. 

#GHC Asia
Categoria: #Luxo | Visualizações: 621 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: Downtown Shanghai Hotel, GHC Asia, Cachet Boutique Hotel | Ranking: 0.0/0
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