#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2011 » Abril » 15 » BUENOS AIRES RUNWAY

This first edition of Buenos Aires Runway served as a project

platform to celebrate Argentinean fashion as a new creative

field, as well as reinforce its integration into the industry

and economy.

The second edition of Buenos Aires Runway will include several

new and exciting additions. The event, to be held in Fall 2011,

will feature business rounds with buyers around the country,

various conference cycles and a showroom similar to the main

fashion event in Latin America.

In all future editions of Buenos Aires Runway, new talent will

continue to be selected, with the goal of offering these upcoming

designers the professional tools and base to establish adequate

connections within the local and international market.

With help from prestigious IMG Fashion, Buenos Aires Runway

seeks to become a part of the international fashion calendar

while also establishing the city of Buenos Aires as a symbol of

design and fashion.


Among the designers who participated in the first edition of

Buenos Aires Runway:

Marcelo Senra, an Argentinean native, known for her ethnic and

tribal designs, was selected last year by the Argentina Ministry

of Foreign Affairs to show her collection at Mercedes Benz

Fashion Week in New York.

Daniela Sartori, a graduate of the University of Buenos Aires,

she works with organic material and speciailizes in tailoring.

Her clothes are unisex.

Min Agostini studied architecture at the University of Buenos

Aires and uses that background in her designs. She's known for

her short skirts with big volume, dresses and urban coats. In

2009, she was selected by the Argentina Ministry of Foreign

Affairs to show her collection at Mercedes Benz Fashion Week in

New York.

Fabian Zitta, once a doctor, studied design at the University of

Buenos Aires. He is inspired by Art Deco and his collections have

many layers.

Marina Dappian, a graduate of the University of Buenos Aires, she

was insipired by pictures her daughter scribbled on the wall of

the house. She works a lot with wool.

Mariano Toledo is an argenitinian Designer who works on Latin

America Project Runway. His Fall-Winter 2011 Collection included

some leather goods and jackets that are typical of his design. He

appreciates a masculine style that  highlights feminity with

personality, mixing skirts, ties, and transparent pants.


Esta primeira edição do Buenos Aires de Moda serviu como um projeto e
plataforma para comemorar a moda argentina como uma forma criativa e reforçar a sua integração na indústria e economia.
A segunda edição do Buenos Aires Runway vai incluir várias
adições novas e emocionantes. O evento, que será realizada no segundo semestre de 2011,
contará com rodadas de negócios com compradores de todo o país,
vários ciclos de conferências e uma sala de exposições semelhantes aos principais
evento de moda da América Latina.
Em todas as edições futuras dos desfiles de Buenos Aires, novos talentos deverão
continuar a ser selecionados, com o objetivo de oferecer a estes futuros
designers as ferramentas profissionais e uma base adequada para estabelecer
conexões no mercado local e internacional.
Com a ajuda de prestigiados IMG Fashion, Buenos Aires Runway
pretende tornar-se parte do calendário internacional de moda
ao mesmo tempo que estabelece a cidade de Buenos Aires como um símbolo de
design e moda.
Entre os designers que participaram da primeira edição do
Buenos Aires Moda:
Marcelo Senra; 
Daniela Sartori;
Min Agostini;
Fabian Zitta;
Marina Dappian;
Mariano Toledo;

Press IMG World

Categoria: #Moda | Visualizações: 784 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: luxo, design, IMG World, fashion | Ranking: 0.0/0
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