#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2011 » Dezembro » 8 » British Fashion Council’s talent identification by NEWGEN
British Fashion Council’s talent identification by NEWGEN

O British Fashion Council (BFC) anunciou os nomes de 15 dos mais brilhantes talentos da moda de Londres emergente de design, que foram selecionados para receber o apoio NEWGEN BFC, apoiado pela Topshop, para mostrar na London Fashion Week, em fevereiro de 2012. NEWGEN, criada em 1993, é mundialmente conhecido internacionalmente no design de moda em esquemas de identificação de talentos. Esta temporada terão as celebrações do 10 º aniversário do apoio contínuo da Topshop ao London Fashion Week. Grands celebrações dos dez anos que tiveram uma miríade de designers London NEWGEN ao topo estão previstas para fevereiro.

Destinatários NEWGEN para o outono / inverno 2012 patrocinado pela Topshop são:

Passarela apoio: David Koma, Holly Fulton, J. Lee JS, JW Anderson, Michael van der Ham e Simone Rocha

Apoio apresentação: Christopher Raeburn e Thomas Tait

Apoio de instalação: Nasir Mazhar e IRMÃ por SIBLING

Apoio de exposições: Huishan Zhang, James Long, Lucas Nascimento, Palmer / Harding /, e Tim Soar

Todos os designers listados acima, sob o apoio na apresentação de passarela, e contará com a instalação no espaço NEWGEN da exposição na London Fashion Week.

The British Fashion Council (BFC) today announced the names of 15 of London’s brightest emerging fashion design talents who have been selected to receive BFC 
NEWGEN sponsorship, supported by Topshop, to show at London Fashion Week in February 2012. NEWGEN, established in 1993, is one of the world’s most internationally recognised fashion design talent identification schemes. This season will see the 10th anniversary celebrations of Topshop's continuous backing of the scheme at London Fashion Week. Major celebrations of the ten years which have taken a myriad of London NEWGEN designers to the top are planned for February.

NEWGEN recipients for autumn/winter 2012 sponsored by Topshop are:

Catwalk sponsorship:
David Koma, Holly Fulton, J.JS Lee, J.W.  Anderson, Michael van der Ham and Simone Rocha

Presentation sponsorship:
Christopher Raeburn and Thomas Tait

Installation sponsorship:
Nasir Mazhar and SISTER by SIBLING

Exhibition sponsorship:
Huishan Zhang, James Long, Lucas Nascimento, Palmer//Harding, and Tim Soar
All of the designers listed above under catwalk, presentation and installation sponsorship will feature in the NEWGEN space of The Exhibition at London Fashion Week.

NEWGEN is an internationally recognised showcase for the best emerging British fashion talent and is central to the British Fashion Council’s talent identification, designer development and showcasing programme. Since its inception, its alumni include Alexander McQueen,
Matthew Williamson, Boudicca, Giles Deacon, Jonathan Saunders, Christopher Kane, Marios Schwab, Richard Nicoll, Erdem, Mary Katrantzou and Meadham Kirchhoff. The scheme has become a key draw for the international fashion media and buyers attending London Fashion Week.     

Caroline Rush, Chief Executive of the British Fashion Council commented, "Autumn/Winter 2012 sees some of the most inventive and pioneering stars of the British Fashion Industry awarded the NEWGEN sponsorship and we are looking forward to seeing them participate in London Fashion Week in February which is set to be one of the most exciting to date.”

Sarah Mower, BFC’s Ambassador for Emerging Talent, said, "The calibre and variety of the talent coming up through NEWGEN is a brilliant reflection of exactly why London is shining in 2012.  The designers selected for runway shows this season – both the fully-fledged designers Michael van der Ham, David Koma and Holly Fulton and the just-fledged J.W.Anderson, J.JS. Lee and Simone Rocha – are joined by brand new talents who are working their way up through the exhibition and presentation stages. The panel was impressed at the way this new, incredibly diverse set of individuals are united in their focus on concentrating on something so special and professional at such a young age.  Be it making shirts, like Palmer Harding, or knits, like Sibling, or precious eveningwear like newcomer Huishan Zhang – each one is so happy to learn, co-operate and contribute to the NEWGEN group energy. I’d particularly like to thank Mary Homer and the Topshop team for their uniquely brilliant showcasing of these designers. They and the NEWGEN panel – a group of the most dedicated and critical editors, buyers and industry experts in Britain, who give so much time and free advice to our designers – are all fantastic contributors to making London the best it can be.”

Mary Homer, Managing Director of Topshop adds, "The coming season marks Topshop's tenth anniversary of supporting NEWGEN, one of the fashion world's most exciting and reputable sponsorship initiatives. We're proud to have been a part of the scheme over the last decade and have seen some of fashion's leading lights pass through on their way to stardom. We look forward to providing ongoing support to London's design talent over the next ten years and beyond, and I wish this season's winners the best of luck."

NEWGEN offers catwalk designers financial support towards their show costs and the opportunity to use the BFC Catwalk Show Space. Others receive sponsored presentation or exhibition space to showcase their collections, offering an important introduction for young UK-based designers to influential press and buyers from around the world. NEWGEN also provides business and mentoring support through the BFC in partnership with Shoosmiths, Baker Tilley and Lloyds TSB.

Simone Rocha receives NEWGEN catwalk sponsorship for the first time in 2012. Simone’s collections have generated great press recognition and have gained her extremely prestigious stockists throughout the world.

Progressive knitwear brand SIBLING is launching their second womenswear collection SISTER by SIBLING for AW12 with support from NEWGEN as an installation along with milliner Nasir Mazar. His collections take inspiration from a juxtaposition of street culture and vibrant ethnicity and his pieces have adorned the likes of Lady Gaga and Madonna.

Designers Lucas Nascimento and Huishan Zhang have received NEWGEN sponsorship for the first time and will be showcasing in the exhibition at London Fashion Week. Lucas Nascimento graduated in 2008 from London College of Fashion and has spent the last three seasons showing at Rio Fashion Week, his designs focus on the geometric and textural aspects of knitwear. Chinese born London based designer Huishan has found inspiration and direction in his own national identity creating a brand where Eastern heritage meets Western influence.

Tim Soar will showcase his second stand-alone womenswear line in the Exhibition at London Fashion Week. James Long also joins the exhibition with his progressive style and instantly recognisable use of leather and denim in his designs.

In 2012, Topshop will celebrate ten years of support of the NEWGEN scheme, providing London’s diverse young fashion designers with a showcase to a global audience. Topshop offers additional support to designers by providing show venues and commissioning special collections available during and beyond London Fashion Week. Topshop’s dedication to the support and growth of emerging talent remains unsurpassed.


Press/Image Britsh Fashion Council

Categoria: #Moda | Visualizações: 1076 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: David Koma Holly Fulton J.JS Lee J., moda britânica, NEWGEN, internacionalmente, TopShop | Ranking: 0.0/0
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