#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2013 » Março » 4 » Baldi interior fragrance for the soul
Baldi interior fragrance for the soul
Mention the name, "Baldi" and many people get a certain glow in their eyes,
mainly because Baldi is famous for its magnificent luxury interiors,
which they fondly and rightly call "Home Jewels".

The company was founded in Florence in 1867 and naturally only the highest quality
is the accepted standard for their fragrance collection. Baldi asked renowned perfumer
Enzo Galardi to join the project and now proudly presents
four masterpieces of the perfumer’s art:

Baldi interior fragrance for the soul

Baldi’s gorgeous Baroque style has been admirably translated
into the design of the handmade flacons. Carried by gold or platinum on the base of the flacon,
the precious contents are sealed with the finest Wenge wood.
The striking lid is crowned with a hand-cut and polished precious stone slab of malachite,
tiger's eye, amethyst or lapis lazuli that lends each luxury creation its name.
Precious perfumes are like interiors for the nose, and thus also for the soul.
Take a moment to "furnish” yourself with the fine fragrances of Enzo Galardi.

Aus Liebe zum Duft
Categoria: Narciso | Visualizações: 1281 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: fragrant, perfume, Malachite, ametista, Lapislazzuli, Soul, Interior, Occhio di Tigre, beauty, Baldi | Ranking: 0.0/0
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