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Art Dubai April is successful edition to date
One of the most exciting and globalised events in the international art calendar, Art Dubai 2013 underscored its importance as a fair of discovery with a roster of 75 galleries from 30 countries, including a curated introduction to West Africa’s dynamic art scenes.

Deriving its global relevance through its strong regional foundation, Art Dubai is host for pan-regional exchange and interaction - a key draw for international institutions, curators and collectors. Of the 500 artists participating this year through exhibiting galleries or Art Dubai’s various programmes, over half were from the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia.

Many thanks to all the galleries, artists, speakers, curators, patrons and audiences that participated in Art Dubai 2013.

Art Dubai closed on March 23 with record attendance, having welcomed over 25,000 visitors, including 75 museum groups.

Campus Art Dubai, February 2013. Courtesy Deniz Uster

The next Campus Art Dubai session takes place April 27, 2013 at the Sharjah Biennial. The evening seminar - free and open to the public - will follow on April 28 at The Pavilion Downtown Dubai. Campus Art Dubai is a monthly Saturday School for artists and curators based in the UAE, and runs January to June 2013.

We would like to share with you some of Art Dubai 2013 highlights, and have uploaded a selection of high-resolution images on the website. You can find them here.
A collection of articles reviewing Art Dubai 2013 and its various programmes are also available on our website.

Nubuke Foundation, Art Dubai 2013. Courtesy Katrin GreilingAlt textVictoria Miro, Art Dubai 2013. Courtesy Katrin Greiling

by Art Dubai

Categoria: Cultura & Arte | Visualizações: 780 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: art, Art Dubai, successful, Campus Art Dubai luxury, exposição, Edition, Museum, Art Dubai wraps-up | Ranking: 5.0/1
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