#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2013 » Julho » 28 » Are you ready to be star-struck by Stellar?
Are you ready to be star-struck by Stellar?
Iconic Sweden-based manufacturer Hasselblad, whose world famous cameras were taken to the moon by US astronauts back in the Sixties, and whose top quality products are prized by many of the world's greatest professional photographers, is all set for another major launch.
Stellar - a unique compact camera aimed at people who only want the best - has been exclusively fashioned at Hasselblad's design centre in Italy and is set to wow amateur enthusiasts and consumers who love to take outstanding photographs and shoot quality video without having to worry about F-Stops and focal lengths.
With its own unique expression of style and matchless quality - Stellar is set for take-off around the globe at top stores like Harrods in the UK, Lane Crawford's in Hong Kong and China and Willoughby's Camera in Fifth Avenue, New York, later this summer.

So what's so special about this new camera?

Stellar is Hasselblad's second foray into the consumer photographic marketplace. Earlier this year the manufacturer of the world's most advanced medium format camera system launched Lunar - an acclaimed revolution in consumer camera design. Stellar is the follow-up camera in an ongoing programme of product launches targeting the lifestyle/luxury sector.
Adds Dr. Hansen: "It has always been my ambition to enable all fans of the iconic Hasselblad brand to have an opportunity to own one of our cameras. Now discerning enthusiasts of beautiful design, ergonomics and advanced camera technology have real choices."
For more information and a list of dealers/distributors visit: www.hasselblad-stellar.com

The world has never seen a point and shoot camera quite like this before.
Categoria: #Desejos | Visualizações: 680 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: Compact, unique, luxury, Hasselblad, camera, Stellar | Ranking: 5.0/1
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