#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2013 » Janeiro » 29 » A Good Start in First in Fragrance
A Good Start in First in Fragrance
The Caribbean in January

From the gorgeous jet-set island of St. Barth in
the Caribbean to a grey, wintery Germany comes the subtle scent "Léa" –
an exclusive only available at First in Fragrance! An impression of
warm, soft and sun-kissed beaches is a real balm for the soul. Behind
the Calypso St. Barth brand is the eponymous boutique from French designer Liliane Jossua.

Fragrant Jewels from a Great Master

True fragrant gems are presented to us by the famous jewellery designer Ann Gérard.
Auspicious names such as "Ciel d'Opale", "Perle de Mousse" and "Cuir de
Nacre" grace the collection created by the great master, Bertrand

Out of this world

A couple united by their love of Paris allow you an insight into their intimate correspondence. Hors Là Monde – out of this world – an apt term for three magical and otherworldly fragrances: "Shiloh," "Lady Shiloh" and "Shiloh X".

Presidential Charm

EIGHT & BOB takes us back
to the 1930s, as the French Aristocrat Albert Fouquet met a young
Harvard student by the name of John F. Kennedy. Kennedy is so taken with
Fouquet’s self-created fragrance that, upon his return to the U.S. he
orders "eight samples and one for Bob” – the beginning of a great
success story.

Press/image Aus Liebe zum Duft
Categoria: Narciso | Visualizações: 1203 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: Aus Liebe zum Duft, luxury, Parfüm, First in Fragrance | Ranking: 0.0/0
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