#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » 2013 » Agosto » 24 » 22/4_HOMMES SS14 at PARIS MENS FASHION WEEK
Inspired and influenced by Robert Ryman’s lifetime obsession with the colour white in all its textures, qualities, nuances, states and forms, 22/4 has immersed itself in the variegated world of white for its new spring-summer 2014 menswear collection.

Ryman’s  minimal,  monochrome  and  conceptual way  of  working  with  white  is  very  similar  to  22/4’s  conceptual  approach  to traditional  tailoring  techniques  based  on  a  distillation  of  classic  menswear  details.  In  the  same  way  that  22/4  expands  on  and redraws the primary idea of women’s and menswear in its own luxurious gender-liberalised modern style, Ryman has redesigned the  ideas  and images,  which define  the  colour  white.  Taking  all  these  points  of  reference  into  consideration,  22/4’s  designer Stephanie Hahn has made a very strong, almost symbolic connection between Ryman’s art and 22/4’s design that flows naturally into the 2014 spring-summer collection.

The new collection exudes purity and presents minimal cuts in summer styles and fabrics combining the classical elegance of traditional work wear, the fluid ease in home wear combined with urban sporty tech elements, like docker’s caps, asymmetric pajama pants and the signature 22/4 summer jelly sandals.

Bringing  its  own  personal  touch  to  men’s  tailoring  and  intricate  construction,  as  an  expression  of a  modern  man’s  wardrobe, 22/4’s spring-summer 2014 collection is like a gentle summer breeze. In addition to white in all its variations, the colour spectrum of 22/4’s latest collection also includes classic navy blue, khaki, light and deep blue tones and a fresh, light leaf green. 22/4’s summer fabrics range from cool wool to light and soft Italian cotton, luxurious silk and linen blends, all highlighted by unexpected technical fabrics like transparent snakeskin.

22/4_Hommes_Femmes // SS14 MENS LKBKS + PFW SS14 Womens Presentation COMING SOON /
by Ritual Projects
Categoria: #Moda | Visualizações: 960 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: Presentation, luxury, PFW SS14 Womens, 22/4_HOMMES_FEMMES, Man, SS14 MENS LKBKS, fashion, coming soon | Ranking: 0.0/0
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