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14/04/14, 21:47

RESPONSIBLE CREATION AT COPENHAGEN FASHION SUMMIT!On April 24th, the 3rd edition of the world's largest and most important sustainable fashion event will take place in Denmark: The Copenhagen Fashion Summit. This is the place where leading voices in the world of fashion, luxury, business and enterprise meet to discuss the fashion industry’s social and environmental responsibility and solutions.

Première Vision has been chosen to represent the textile industry during the Summit. As a leader of international trade fabric shows, Première Vision is a true international observatory of trends and innovations in the fashion industry

Première Vision considers responsibility a new way to look at innovation and fashion. For a few seasons, the organizers have been observing how weavers and fabric designers tend to develop new products with a will of being both creative and sustainable.

Today, Première Vision wishes to speak out on these new opportunities. And it already has through conferences, collaborations and different actions during its shows that shed light on this issue.

In Copenhagen, Chantal Malingrey -marketing and development director of Première Vision- will join a panel of discussion with other experts -from luxury to commercial fashion, as well as from NGOs and media- to discuss how changes and moves can be made in the industry towards more sustainability and responsibility, starting with fabrics and materials.

The panel discussion will be moderated by Vanessa Friedman, Fashion Editor, Financial Times. Other panelists include:

    Marco Lucietti, Global Marketing Director, ISKOTM
    Giusy Bettoni, CEO and Founder, C.L.A.S.S.
    Catarina Midby, Head of Sustainable Fashion, H&M

Further information about the Copenhagen Fashion Summit on:
→ www.copenhagenfashionsummit.com


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Categoria: Biblioteca Angel News | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: Fair, show, Responsible, luxo, COPENHAGEN FASHION SUMMIT, Première Vision, fashion, Creation
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