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Keys to a Passion #LVMH
11/03/15, 13:00

Keys to a Passion #LVMHFor the third stage of its inauguration, the Fondation Louis Vuitton will display an exceptional selection of seminal modern art works. Entitled “Keys to a Passion”, the exhibition opens on April 1, 2015, culminating the spectacular launch of this new Paris cultural institution.

Following the highly successful Olafur Eliasson exhibition “Contact”, the third stage of the Fondation Louis Vuitton inaugural calendar debuts on April 1, 2015 with “Keys to a Passion”. It will be followed by a new installation of works from the Foundation’s permanent collection in June. Conceived as a historical itinerary through modern works that spark great passion, the exhibition follows the evolution of 20th century artistic currents through masterpieces by major artists. They include “The Scream” by Munch, abstract canvases by Mondrian, Malevich and Rothko, and cubist works by Léger and Picabia.

The exhibition has been put together thanks to numerous loans from leading institutions around the world, confirming the stature of the Foundation among international museums and its contribution to cultural and artistic research. In conjunction with the exhibition, a symposium will take place on June 12-13 to discuss the role and value of museums in the context of contemporary creation, the art market, and their contribution to art history.

The Fondation Louis Vuitton has seen record attendance since its inauguration in October. In four months, this new site dedicated to contemporary creation welcomed more than 400,000 visitors. “This is a remarkable success, far exceeding our expectations,” says Jean-Paul Claverie, Advisor to Bernard Arnault.

Categoria: Biblioteca Angel News | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: art, Exceptional, Works, display, LVMH, The Fondation, seminal, louis vuitton, Selection, Modern
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