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Cultivate Relationship Business
21/06/13, 14:43
Nordstrom boasts the largest share of pentamillionaire purchasers, with a majority of ultra wealthy consumers buying something from the Seattle based luxury retailer in the last year. Rounding out the top three in terms of popularity are Bloomingdale’s and Neiman Marcus.
Marquee names selling higher ticket luxury items make up for a lack of widespread appeal with deeper customer relationships.
Sales professionals at both Barneys New York and Neiman Marcus rise above the competition in building relationships with pentamillionaire clients. Similarly, Bergdorf Goodman's market share among ultra wealthy shoppers is just one fourth the size of Nordstrom's, but the prevalence of customer salesperson relationships at Bergdorf is triple the rate at Nordstrom.
Sales professionals at more mainstream retailers like Nordstrom and Bloomingdale’s are far less likely to have cultivated exclusive relationships.
Relationships are more prevalent among women than men, and those under the age of 65 compared to those who are older.


by Luxury Institute
Categoria: Biblioteca Angel News | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: Luxury Institute
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