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22/05/13, 12:01
The Russian and CIS markets are confirmed as economic and trade catchment areas of great interest for the Made in Italy footwear. This is demonstrated first of all by the export data and the numbers of events which Assocalzaturifici Italiani organises twice a year: from the consolidated Obuv’ Mir Koži event in Moscow, which has a central role and an influence on the entire area, to the appointments with Shoes From Italy in Almaty and Kiev and the new scouting initiatives, such as the Italian Footwear Workshop in the Ural region.

The Italian groups met the interest of buyers from all regions of the area, with whom contacts were made and commercial agreements concluded which reflect the vitality and fervour of a market that continues to appreciate the quality of the Italian footwear product. The recent events organised in Russia and the CIS indeed demonstrate that the market overall shows positive growth trends for Italian footwear. An area that continues its growth and proves to be much more dynamic than the traditional European markets: this is the reason why Assocalzaturifici is present with numerous events.

New in 2013 was the Italian Footwear Workshop in the Ural Region, held on 22 and 23 April in Ekaterinburg in Russia, with which Assocalzaturifici Italian strengthened its presence in the area. The exhibition, organised by Assocalzaturifici in collaboration with ICE, Italy’s foreign trade institute, in Moscow, was held in the Conference Room of the Atrium Palace Hotel. The workshop was attended by 11 companies which, in addition to the exhibition itself during which they met thirty or so local companies, also visited the main shopping centres of the city that are home to several Italian footwear outlets. The event therefore offered an interesting opportunity for scouting the market in the Sverdlovsk Region, of which Ekaterinburg is the capital, one of the richest and most dynamically growing in the Russian Federation.

Record numbers in terms of attendance for the Obuv’ Mir Koži event: 222 companies in the footwear and leather goods sectors presented their 2013-2014 autumn/winter collections from 18 to 21 March, covering a total area of 5,400 square metres in the exhibition halls of the Expocentr, the most important exhibition centre in Moscow. The exhibition is confirmed as a reference event for the industry, a business opportunity to meet the players in a market that is certainly changing, but continues to choose Italian products. Obuv’ Mir Koži confirmed its status as market leader, despite a slight drop in attendance compared to last year, due to the fact Russian operators already had the opportunity to view the collections at theMICAM in Milan in March.

In 2012, Italian exports to Russia have reached a total of over 7.5 million pairs, an increase of 12% compared to 2011. An even more significant figure is that concerning the value generated by exports, amounting to 592 million euros, representing an increase of 13.8% over the previous year. Russia is thus the fifth market by value and eighth by volume in the ranking of destination countries for foreign sales of Italian shoes.
Obviously leather footwear is the most significant component of sales in Russia and also the product group that, in absolute terms, grew the most in 2012. Indeed, over 6 million pairs were sold for a value of approx. 563 million euros. The increases were 15.4% in volume and 14.6% in value, with an average export price of more than 92 euros.

Equally significant data for the Ukraine and Kazakhstan markets: in 2012, exports reached, respectively, more than 1 million pairs for a value of 83 million euros in Ukraine and almost 600 thousand pairs for a value of 43 million euros in Kazakhstan. For both countries, the average footwear value exceeds 75 euros, but with different situations: Ukraine is a market that has reached a certain dimension (it is the second largest market in value in the area after the Russia), but which has grown decidedly less in the last year, given that the increase in value was 1.2% compared to a decrease in volume of 1.2%. Kazakhstan, on the other hand, is a market that is still in the expansion phase and which recorded growth rates of 10.5% in volume and 18.6% in value; it is, however, only the seventh country in terms of export volumes and the third in terms of sales value in the macro Eastern Europe and CIS region.

The SHOES FROM ITALY event in Kiev, capital of Ukraine, was held from 18 to 19 April at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. In this case, the ICE Agency confirmed itself as a strategic and operational partner, generating the participation of a greater number of exhibiting companies compared to previous editions for a total of 29 companies in the footwear and leather industry, in addition to fur and leather coat companies. Despite the difficulties caused by political instability affecting the country, the size of the market, which includes 46 million people, and the type of customer have always privileged the high and medium-high end Made in Italy product.
The prestigious Dom Priemov fair event, located in the centre of the city of Almaty, hosted on the other hand, from 3 to 5 April, the Kazakhstan event SHOES FROM ITALY together with MODA ITALIA. This is the only exhibition in the Central Asian area dedicated to the Made in Italy fashion sector, which is experiencing a period of strong growth: 56 footwear and leather goods and 17 clothing companies exhibited their collections. Also in this case, the cooperation with the ICE Agency - which organised the exhibition - broadened attendance with an influx of operators from neighbouring countries and a number of Kazakhstan regions, for a total of 240 buyers.

27 -28 June 2013 – Seoul Workshop
Hotel Lotte – Seoul – South Korea
1-3 July 2013 - Shoes From Italy
19-21 August 2013 - FN PLATFORM
Las Vegas Convention Center – Nevada
11 - 13 October 2013 - Made In Italy Fashion
MOC – Munich - Germany
15 - 18 October 2013 - Obuv’ Mir Koži
Expocentr – Moscow – Russia
Milan, 21st May 2013


Categoria: Biblioteca Angel News | Adicionado por : netoangel | Tags: Fair, Russia, CIS, luxury, ASSOCALZATURIFICI, Expands, Italy, shoes, Presence
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