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Luxury Alliance i
http://www.luxuryalliance.com/ 03/04/13, 01:53
Luxury Alliance is the world's leading luxury brand consultancy group for luxury lifestyle brands.
Formed by top tier luxury companies, Luxury Alliance is a private consortium of premium brands in each luxury capital of the world creating tailor-made business solutions and brand building strategies.
Through our consistent track record of success and vast network of relationships in the luxury sector, we focus on business development, strategic alliances and market penetration. We specialize in direct introductions, global placement, events and partnership marketing with luxury brands at senior director level for mutual business and client development. Luxury Alliance connects world-class brands, UHNW clients and platforms to create sustainable value and deliver exceptional results.

Our vision is to make a difference - creating individuality for each brand through our competitive insight and deep industry experience. We understand the fundamentals and dynamics of the luxury industry in high value global markets which enables our clients to acquire and maintain that vital competitive edge as a luxury brand, building a value that is not easily eroded by it's competitor

by Luxury Alliance
Transições: 1777 | Adicionado por : netoangel | Ranking: 5.0/1 | Tags: world's leading, Lifestyle, Desires, consultancy, Luxury Alliance, luxury brand, luxo, group for luxury, Brands
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