#relacoespublicas #rp #rpmoda #pr #publicrelations » Agência de Marketing Digital » Luxo ou Lixo?!

28/04/14, 16:26

Rolls-Royce Motor Cars has welcomed its two millionth Facebook fan. The number of fans has doubled from one to two million in the last 12 months, reflecting the popularity of the brand across online social networking services.

The two millionth ‘like’ was posted by a fan based in India, a country with more Rolls-Royce fans than any other in the world. Pakistan and the United States take second and third place respectively.

Created in July 2010, the Rolls-Royce Facebook page was launched to broaden the appeal of the brand and bring it to a new and contemporary audience, something the Rolls-Royce Ghost and Wraith models have both successfully done since their market introduction.

Since then Rolls-Royce has built a strong following of those who desire its products and – perhaps – one day commission their own Rolls-Royce.

Rolls-Royce social media links:

by #BMW Group PressClub Rolls-Royce.
Adicionado por : netoangel | | Tags: Instagram, social media, twitter, BMW Group PressClub Rolls-Royce., Pinterest, Rolls-Royce social media, YouTube, facebook, Tumblr, links
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