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Galeries Lafayette and Paris BPW rally for better pay equity women / men
07/04/14, 12:35

Yet in France , women continue to occupy the back of the stage . Whether compensation or recognition , women are less favored than their male colleagues. As a guide , there is an average difference of around 28 % salary to position equal between women and men in the private sector, and jobs with few responsibilities are predominantly occupied by women. Involved? The lack of legitimacy faced by a majority of women to win in the world of work, their skills and talents.

It is therefore in favor of pay equity women / men mobilize Galeries Lafayette , carrying projects managed by or for women . For over 120 years , Galeries Lafayette have heart to serve and seduce women , to make them more beautiful , more inventive and more fulfilled .

April 7, 2014 , when the Equal Pay Day symbolizes the fight for pay equity. 77th day of the year , this date represents the additional 77 days during which a woman must work to get the same wage as her male counterpart .

by #Groupe Galeries Lafayette

Adicionado por : netoangel | | Tags: Paris BPW rally, men, women, pay, Equity, Groupe Galeries Lafayette
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