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Damien Hirst / Skull with Ashtray and Lemon
29/12/14, 11:02

Based on the 2006-2007 painting Skull with Ashtray, Lemon, and Cigarettes this print by Damien Hirst incorporates several recognizable motifs from the artist’s oeuvre including a skull, and gridded shapes. Skulls especially are a common theme in Hirst’s work, standing amidst the genres of art, history, and religion as a conspicuous totem of death. Published on the occasion of Damien Hirst's exhibition, 'No Love Lost: Blue Paintings' at the Wallace Collection, October 2009, Skull with Ashtray and Lemon is a hauntingly beautiful example of Hirst’s less flashy work. 

Damien Hirst, Skull with Ashtray and Lemon
About Damien Hirst

Damien Hirst first came to public attention in London in 1988 when he conceived and curated Freeze, an exhibition of his own work and that of his friends and fellow Goldsmiths College students, staged in an unused London warehouse. In the nearly quarter of a century since that pivotal show, Hirst has become one of the most influential artists of ...


Adicionado por : netoangel | | Tags: several, incorporates, Damien, lemon, cigarettes, Ashtray, Print, recognizable, painting Skul, Damien Hirst
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