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Acca Kappa - the scent of light, purity and freshness
08/04/13, 12:55
Do you also feel the desire sometimes to simply immerse yourself in a bright and velvety-soft cleanliness?
If so, then "Muschio Bianco” by Acca Kappa is the right fragrance for you.
Unlike almost any other scent, "Muschio Bianco” is able to convey the feeling of soft, white linen
and radiant cleanliness - like white linen bed sheets wafting in a mild spring breeze upon a clothesline.

Innumerable customers have already fallen in love with this "clean, pure scent”.
Due to the great success of "Muschio Bianco", a whole series was launched:
"Muschio Bianco” as soap, body lotion, shaving cream, shampoo and bath salts amongst others...
Discover a whole new facet of the perfumer’s art with the purity of this fantastic fragrance:
Adicionado por : netoangel | | Tags: scent of light, parfum, luxury, perfume, Aus Liebe zum Duft, Purity, beauty, Acca Kappa, freshness
Visualizações: 575 | Ranking: 5.0/1
Total de comentários: 0
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Relações Públicas Internacionais em Moda e Marketing de Guerrilha


Neto Angel - Relações Públicas I Digital Fashion Specialist 
tel: +55(11) 98459.5896 São Paulo - Capital
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