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Thom Browne Confirmed Presence in FFM Men’s Wear Summit
27/02/13, 11:53
Thom Browne set the world abuzz when Michelle Obama wore his jacquard jacket for the President’s swearing in ceremony. It was the third time that the First Lady had chosen one of his designs, making it official: the designer’s storied career in menswear had successfully expanded into the women’s category.
It’s not just his foray into women’s wear that has garnered attention. Known for his own line of smartly tailored suits, Mr. Browne also recently completed capsule collections for Brooks Brothers and Moncler.

Mr. Browne is navigating the changing landscape of menswear—and doing it well. Hear his unique perspective on what works, and how brands can better reach the new male consumer at the FFM Men’s Wear Summit, taking place March 20 in New York City.

Adicionado por : netoangel | | Tags: Michellee Obama, Congress, luxury, Fairchild, Event, obama, fashion, Thom Browne, FFM Men’s Wear Summit
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Neto Angel - Relações Públicas I Digital Fashion Specialist 
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