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SWISS mobile boarding pass now Passbook
25/03/13, 00:11
SWISS has introduced a new service facility for customers who use their Apple iPhone for their mobile boarding pass. Travellers who download their mobile boarding pass via the airline’s well-publicized web, mobile and automatic check-in options or via their SWISS iPhone app can now store it in their Apple Passbook after doing so. The Passbook is a kind of digital briefcase that can store their boarding pass along with further digital travel documents such as their e-ticket or vouchers, and can be accessed offline at any time.

In adding the new Apple Passbook option for mobile boarding pass storage, SWISS is further expanding the technology features available with its online check-in, which is becoming increasingly popular among the carrier’s customers. SWISS’s current range of online check-in facilities extends from the classic web check-in to automatic check-in and the mobile boarding pass option, which gives the customer greater flexibility and saves time on arrival at the airport for their flight.

Swiss International Air Lines
Adicionado por : netoangel | | Tags: Swiss International Air Lines
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