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Swatch Group acquires the brand Harry Winston Inc
19/01/13, 21:43
The Swatch Group Ltd. in Biel/Bienne acquires 100% of the shares of the US company HW Holdings Inc., owner of Harry Winston Inc., 718 Fifth Avenue, New York 0019 (NY). The Swatch Group Ltd. acquires the brand and all the activities related to jewelry and watches, including the 535 employees worldwide and the production company in Geneva (Switzerland). The transaction does not include the mining activities of Harry Winston Diamond Corporation (TSX: HW, NYSE: HWD) – new: Dominion Diamond Corporation -, in Toronto (Canada).


Robert A. Gannicott – Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Harry Winston Diamond Corporation commented: "The Harry Winston brand now has a new home that can provide the skills and support that it deserves to realize its true potential.”.


And Nayla Hayek, Chairwoman of The Swatch Group Ltd., says "Harry Winston does brilliantly complement the prestige segment of the Group. We are proud and happy to welcome Harry Winston to the Swatch Group family – diamonds are still a girl’s best friend”.


The transaction is subject to the approval of the different regulatory authorities.

Press by Swatch Group

Adicionado por : netoangel | | Tags: Harry Winston, Swatch Group, inc, luxury, acquires, brand, jewel, Watch, jewelry
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Neto Angel - Relações Públicas I Digital Fashion Specialist 
tel: +55(11) 98459.5896 São Paulo - Capital
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