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Nordstrom Rack to Open in Brooklyn on Fulton St.
30/07/13, 21:42
Nordstrom,  announced today plans to open a Nordstrom Rack at 505 Fulton Street in Brooklyn, NY. The approximately 41,000-square-foot store is scheduled to open in spring 2014.  The developer for the project is United American Land LLC. 

"We want to be in the top locations across the country, so this spot at the heart of downtown Brooklyn is big for us," said Geevy Thomas, president of Nordstrom Rack. "We are thrilled to become a part of this exciting community at a historic location, and we intend to make the most of the opportunity to serve customers and give them a reason to shop the Rack."

The new Nordstrom Rack will feature a unique design, blending the architecture of the landmark Offerman building with the contemporary style of an adjacent, newly built structure. The single-level store will occupy the second floor retail space. Long the location of Martin's department store, the redeveloped property will also house T.J. Maxx and H&M stores.

by Nordstrom
Adicionado por : netoangel | | Tags: square-foot, fashion, NY., Nordstrom, Nordstrom Rack, Brooklyn
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Neto Angel - Relações Públicas I Digital Fashion Specialist 
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