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Medieval Church Treasures from Hildesheim
28/08/13, 13:33
Germany’s Hildesheim Cathedral in Lower Saxony has one of the most complete surviving ensembles of ecclesiastical furnishings and treasures in Europe, including many medieval masterpieces made between about 1000 and 1250. The cathedral was designated a UNESCO world cultural heritage site in 1985. Major renovations that are currently underway provide the opportunity for Medieval Treasures from Hildesheim—an extraordinary selection of about 50 medieval church treasures, most of which have never been shown outside Europe—to travel to The Metropolitan Museum of Art, where they will be on view beginning September 17.  The exhibition is made possible by the Michel David-Weill Fund. 
The exhibition is supported by an indemnity from the Federal Council on the Arts and the Humanities.

Metropolitan Museum
Adicionado por : netoangel | | Tags: luxo, Hildesheim, Medieval Church Treasures, museu, art, exposição, Metropolitan Museum
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