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LN-CC presents Raf Simons in Isolated Heroes
11/04/13, 12:22
Raf Simons at LN-CC.com
Raf Simons at LN-CC.com   Raf Simons at LN-CC.com


Raf Simons' early shows captured a youthful, subculture-informed zeitgeist in a way that has been much imitated but never bettered. His time as Creative Director at Jil Sander (and now Dior) saw Simons completely reinvigorating the mainline fashion world whilst staying true to a unique set of sensibilities.

'Isolated Heroes' is the highly sought-after collaborative book between Raf Simons and photographer David Sims - the latest addition to our selection of rare books. Each image was taken in the summer of 1999 and captures street-cast models that helped to define the Raf Simons aesthetic. Initially conceived as a work in progress, the book has become highly regarded as a body of work in its own right, bridging the worlds of fashion, photography and art.

The Raf Simons AW13 collection will launch at LN-CC this July.

Adicionado por : netoangel | | Tags: art, fashion, luxury, LN-CC, RAF SIMONS
Visualizações: 980 | Ranking: 5.0/1
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