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21/05/14, 14:08
From June 30 to July 12 , the Observatory BHV MARAIS becomes ephemeral cinema, " Bedroom " 20 places to live an elongated around his cult film night!
The idea : Introduce 20:30 BHV MARAIS , put on his pajamas (! But is not obliged ) to plunge into the atmosphere of the film starting with a cocktail party theme , 21:30 to bed and discover or rediscover cult films in this unusual setting .
Programming here : Top Gun , The Party, Flahsdance , Lost in translation, Manhattan, The Tanenbaum Family, Taxi Driver, The Big Lebowski , The Good, the Bad and the Ugly , but also theme nights Saturday : ambiance " chills " with Shining and Jaws , or " Tarantino " with Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs. Bedroom the best equipped in the capital, thanks to the space of Bedding
BHV most MARAIS specialist with 90 models on display and experts advised.
20 performances not to be missed , duo or band ... the key is to Book try to earn its place on lebhvmarais.fr
Night entrance , the 37 rue de la Glassware

by #
BHV Marais
Adicionado por : netoangel | | Tags: GALERIES LAFAYETTE, BHV MARAIS, LA BEDROOM
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Relações Públicas Internacionais em Moda e Marketing de Guerrilha


Neto Angel - Relações Públicas I Digital Fashion Specialist 
tel: +55(11) 98459.5896 São Paulo - Capital
Agência Digital de Relações Públicas & Marketing Digitais by Angel News