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H&M publicly commits to support in Bangladesh
13/05/13, 11:36

H&M publicly commits to support the Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh, initiated by IndustryALL and UNI Global Union. The parties will be committed to the goal of a safe and sustainable Bangladeshi Ready Made Garment (RMG) industry in which no worker needs to fear fires, building collapses or other accidents that could be prevented with reasonable health and safety measures. This commitment is an additional step in an already ambitious sustainability program at H&M.

H&M also requires that all the supplier factories conduct electrical assessments in their factories, and H&M has offered to share these costs with them. H&M believes that this work will become an integrated part of the implementation program that follows the Accord.

by H&M

Adicionado por : netoangel | | Tags: accord, support, commits, publicly, fire, H&M, building, Bangladesh, safety
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Neto Angel - Relações Públicas I Digital Fashion Specialist 
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