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H&M announces partnership with Tomas Berdych
21/01/13, 12:16
H&M is proud to announce it has signed a long-term partnership with the international tennis star Tomas Berdych. Currently ranked 6th in the world, Czech-born Berdych will be an ambassador for H&M both on-court and off, and will work closely with the H&M design team on a unique tennis collection which will debut in stores later on.
Tomas Berdych’s partnership with H&M marks a new chapter in the relationship between sport and fashion. The partnership will see H&M clothing worn on court by a top-ranking tennis player for the first time and will bring a professional sports influence to H&M. As well as playing in H&M, Tomas will also be an ambassador for H&M off the court, wearing his pick from H&M’s menswear collections.
A great role model, Tomas is already one of the biggest stars of a sport growing in international popularity, both in terms of spectators and also those playing the game in their own leisure time. The growth reflects that of H&M, a growing global company which continues to open stores in new markets worldwide.

H&M signs long-term partnership with international tennis star Tomas Berdych
Press/image H&M
Adicionado por : netoangel | | Tags: Star, partnership, luxury, Tomas Berdych, H&M, fashion, Tennis, international
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Neto Angel - Relações Públicas I Digital Fashion Specialist 
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