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29/05/14, 14:52

EXCELLENT NEWS FOR LUX* RESORTSLUX* Resorts is delighted to announce that all of its hotels— LUX* Maldives, LUX* Ile de la Reunion, LUX* Belle Mare, LUX* Le Morne, LUX* Grand Gaube, Merville Beach and Tamassa — have received aTripAdvisor 2014 Certificate of Excellence!

The accolade honours hospitality excellence and is awarded only to establishments that consistently achieve outstanding reviews on TripAdvisor. To qualify for the Certificate of Excellence, hotels must maintain an overall rating of four or higher, out of a possible five, as reviewed by travelers on the review site.
LUX*’s CEO,Paul Jones,wasdelightedin saying, "It’s fabulous news for the Group, especially as all of our resorts are included! The Trip Advisor awards are very important to us,as their website is one of the first places potential visitors consult. This strengthens our belief that the Group is on the right track,and reflects very well on the team members of all our properties. They're doing a great job"!

LUX* resorts and hotels aimsto distinguish themselves by providing a different kind of luxury with hospitality that is Lighter and Brighter.
Adicionado por : netoangel | | Tags: LUX* Grand Gaube, LUX* Maldives, Hotels, LUX* RESORTS, LUX* Le Morne, LUX* Ile de la Reunion, Excellent, Merville Beach, LUX* Belle Mare, news
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Neto Angel - Relações Públicas I Digital Fashion Specialist 
tel: +55(11) 98459.5896 São Paulo - Capital
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