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Design Museum London presents the 2013 Designers in Residence
03/05/13, 11:49
The Design Museum’s annual Designers in Residence programme provides
a platform to celebrate new and emerging designers at an early stage in
their career. The programme isnow in its sixth year and is a core part of the
exhibition programme demonstrating the Design Museum’s commitment to
support and encourage new design talent.

The 2013 Designers in Residence are: Adam Nathaniel Furman,
Eunhee Jo, Chloe Meineck and Thomas Thwaites.
This year’s Residence were selected through an open call in response to a
brief to create a piece of work based on the theme of ‘Identity’. The
designers were invited to explore how design can be used to convey, create
or reflect a sense of identity through an object or experience. The results will
be displayed in the Design Museum from September.

by Design Museum
Adicionado por : netoangel | | Tags: Design Museum, art, luxury, Presents, 2013 Designers in Residence, Museum, London
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Neto Angel - Relações Públicas I Digital Fashion Specialist 
tel: +55(11) 98459.5896 São Paulo - Capital
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