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Where next for Europe?
15/08/13, 17:23
As Europe wrestles with a struggling economy, what investments and policies are needed to rebuild competitiveness?

Europe for Tomorrow will provide a high level forum for debate on the policies required to drive growth. The conference will bring together influential governmental institutions and business speakers to examine how Europe’s businesses need to innovate to compete more effectively, and what governmental support is required to support this. Europe for Tomorrow will also feature insights from key thinkers and writers, to help give shape and perspective to the discussions.
By attending Europe for Tomorrow, you will benefit from:
  • High-level networking and contact-making with an international delegation.
  • An opportunity to discuss with government policymakers and your peers how to sustain Europe's economic competitiveness when confronted with the rise of new economies.
  • High-level debate on topics including: the EU-US trade talks, the workplace of tomorrow, the impact of fast-developing technology - and more - with critical context and perspective.

by International Herald Tribune.

Adicionado por : netoangel | | Tags: Investments, struggling, competitiveness, International Herald Tribune, europe, policies, economy
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Neto Angel - Relações Públicas I Digital Fashion Specialist 
tel: +55(11) 98459.5896 São Paulo - Capital
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