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TW Trend-Info Panorama Berlin Frühjahr/Sommer 2015
22/06/14, 20:30
TW Trend-Info Panorama Berlin Frühjahr/Sommer 2015What does next summer have in store? Which trends are designers going for, and which are competitors favouring? There is no better place, as the new buying season gets underway, to find answers to these decisive questions than at the TW Trend-Info in Berlin. For the very first time, this event is being staged to coincide with the start of the new season during the Berlin Fashion Week. Organized by TextilWirtschaft in association with Panorama Berlin, it provides wide-ranging information for fashion business buyers and decision-makers. Our speakers, Gudrun Allstädt and Michael Werner (TextilWirtschaft), will take an in-depth look at the latest trends, themes and labels in both womenswear and menswear.

by #Panorama Fashion Fair Berlin GmbH
Adicionado por : netoangel | | Tags: Berlin Fashion Week, Panorama Fashion Fair Berlin GmbH
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Neto Angel - Relações Públicas I Digital Fashion Specialist 
tel: +55(11) 98459.5896 São Paulo - Capital
Agência Digital de Relações Públicas & Marketing Digitais by Angel News