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Rétromobile gave enthusiastic visitors every opportunity to make exciting new discoveries
16/02/13, 16:41
Trains, with a working demonstration of the first ever French locomotive in the central aisle of the Parc des Expositions. Cars, with the 50th anniversary of the Porsche 911, the 30th anniversary of the Peugeot 205, the Benz cars that took part in the "Prince Heinrich" race, and a tribute to the Citroën DS. Between land and sea, with the great adventure of propeller-driven automobiles: 5 HELICA vehicles on show. In the air, with the 100th anniversary of Roland Garros' Mediterranean crossing and the Mirage 5 displayed on the Rétromobile tarmac. As for Artcurial, the spectacular auction show led by auctioneer Hervé Poulain totalled 14.6 million euros with 90% of the lots sold. Among the outstanding vehicles that went under the hammer was a Talbot Lago 1936 that sold for a little over 1.45 million euros. Amateur and professional enthusiasts thronged to the display podiums and also to the booths run by 400 exhibitors (about fifty more than before), including a hundred clubs and associations, a craft village, a club village, an art gallery, and 500 cars, motorbikes, planes, trains and boats on show.

Come and visit us on 5 - 9 February 2014 in Paris for the 39th edition of Rétromobile.

Adicionado por : netoangel | | Tags: opportunity, Car, luxury, make, Fair, Rétromobile, visitors, discoveries, enthusiastic, Exciting
Visualizações: 429 | Ranking: 5.0/1
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