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Panorama Berlin will move to a new downtown #Panorama
21/05/14, 15:42

After three successful seasons at the ExpoCenter Airport, Panorama Berlin will move to a new downtown location for the Spring/Summer 2015 Season.






In addition to a perfect infrastructure and optimum connections to public transportation, the ExpoCenter City on the grounds of the Messe Berlin in the heart of the German capital provides the much-needed space for expansion. The fast and continuous growth of Panorama Berlin together with the positive feedback from the national and international press underscore the successful concept as a marketplace for leading international fashion brands.
The ExpoCenter City at the South Entrance to the Messe Berlin, with a total of 33,200 square meters of exhibition space, provides the necessary room for expansion. The immediate proximity to other hot spots of Berlin Fashion Week makes it easy for visitors to Panorama Berlin to inform themselves of coming trends and tendencies. Even with the perfect transportation connections, Panorama Berlin will continue to offer its visitors transfer shuttles from Tegel (TXL) and Schönefeld (SXF) airports as well as shuttles to all the relevant hot spots of Berlin Fashion Week.



by #Panorama

Adicionado por : netoangel | | Tags: Fair, Panorama Berlin, location, luxury, new downtown, Alemanha, Spring/Summer 2015 Season, fashion show
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Neto Angel - Relações Públicas I Digital Fashion Specialist 
tel: +55(11) 98459.5896 São Paulo - Capital
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