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Jasper Morrison: The Good Life #ICFF
22/04/14, 17:55

A joint effort with Lars Müller Publishers, the exceptional Swiss firm renowned for sophisticated volumes on aspects of visual culture from design to fine art. The ICFF and Lars Müller Publishers together celebrate Jasper Morrison, the great British designer, in suitable style with the launch of the house’s latest, design-enhancing effort, Jasper Morrison: The Good Life.

Both a photography exhibit and a book, Jasper Morrison: The Good Life documents the what and the how of a particular way of seeing – that is, the way the eye of the singular, multi-talented Morrison works. Interested in more than just casual insights into the distinctive design mind of Morrison? Don’t miss the opportunity to spend time with the impromptu snaps and more studied images that make up this unique book and remarkable companion exhibit.


by #ICFF

Adicionado por : netoangel | | Tags: Fair, luxo, style, Jasper Morrison: The Good Life, ICFF
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