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First Round of Speakers - WWD Digital Forum: London #wwdsummits
29/04/14, 14:54
Save the Date- July 16, The Dorchester, London
 Join the editors of Women’s Wear Daily and an audience of your peers at the 2nd annual WWD Digital Forum in London.
 Confirmed Speakers To Date*:
  • Martin Bartle, Global Communications & E-commerce Director, Agent Provocateur
  • Mary Beech, Chief Marketing Officer, Kate Spade
  • Maelle Gavet, Chief Executive Officer, OZON Holdings
  • Laurent Malaveille, Global Head, Digital, CRM & E-Commerce, Clarins Group
  • Chris Morton, Chief Executive Officer & Co-Founder, Lyst.com
 2014 Topics Include: State of the art mobile strategies—E-commerce giants' designs on fashion—Personalized shopping experiences for deeper consumer engagement—Digital as a beauty brand differentiator
New This Year:  Interactive Workshops
These intimate breakouts are designed to provide tactical, hands-on intelligence from some of the most well-known social digital platforms.  Launched at WWD Digital Forums in LA and NY, workshops curated by Twitter and Instagram received critical acclaim and delivered valuable information and insights to a packed and enthusiastic audience.
To attend and save please register by Friday May 2 for a special discounted rate.  Contact me at 212.630.4212 or kim_mancuso@fairchildfashion.com to secure your seat today.

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Adicionado por : netoangel | | Tags: First Round, Women’s Wear, audience, daily, WWD Digital Forum, speakers, London, Editors, LondonSave the Date- July 16, The Dorchester
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Relações Públicas Internacionais em Moda e Marketing de Guerrilha


Neto Angel - Relações Públicas I Digital Fashion Specialist 
tel: +55(11) 98459.5896 São Paulo - Capital
Agência Digital de Relações Públicas & Marketing Digitais by Angel News