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Cuervo y Sobrinos Inaugurates New Booth at Baselworld 2013
23/03/13, 18:45
Imagine a hectic, busy day at BaselWorld, a day like any other during the year’s
most important watch and jewelry show. Rushing from one booth to another
under the bright lights, fighting the crowds, with no place to sit down, take a
load off your aching feet and rest.
Now, imagine an oasis from the hustle and bustle of the fair. A place where you
can sit back, drink a Mojito and getting a true taste of the culture of Cuba in the
middle of Basel.
Well, thanks to Cuervo y Sobrinos, this dream is now a reality with the brand’s
new BaselWorld booth, located in Halle 2.0, Booth A33.

A mixture of laid-back Latin culture, Swiss precision and the unbridled
enjoyment of life, the new Cuervo booth is unlike any other booth in Basel. A
unique oasis of calm amidst a mass of cold, modern structures, Cuervo y
Sobrinos is offering a warm and relaxing welcome to visitors from all over the


by Cuervo y Sobrinos
Adicionado por : netoangel | | Tags: Baselworld 2013, Cuervo y Sobrinos, timepiece
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Relações Públicas Internacionais em Moda e Marketing de Guerrilha


Neto Angel - Relações Públicas I Digital Fashion Specialist 
tel: +55(11) 98459.5896 São Paulo - Capital
Agência Digital de Relações Públicas & Marketing Digitais by Angel News